Before starting any repairs or maintenance on your dryer, observe the following safety steps:
1.Isolate the whole system from the electrical supply by switching off the power isolator and locking it.
2.Isolate the dryer from the gas supply by shutting off the main gas valve (if necessary lock the valve).
3.Keep the keys in your possesion.
4.Augers and drives to augers may be under some degree of tension. Avoid touching these parts with your hands until you are sure that they are free.
5.Do not reconnect the power supply until all work is completed and all guards are correctly refitted.
The dryer is made of weather resistant material, and is designed to require a minimum of service. However, each season we recommend the following items be checked before the unit is used, and any damaged or questionable parts replaced. These checks will help eliminate possible failures, and assure dependable operation of the equip- ment.
1.Shut off electrical power. Open power box and control box, and inspect for moisture, rodent damage or accu- mulated foreign material. Remove any foreign material present. Inspect and tighten any loose terminal connec- tions. Replace any damaged or deteriorated wiring.
2.Check each blade for freedom of rotation and uniform tip clearance. They should also be inspected for dirt and grain dust, especially inside the hub. Any additional weight can seriously effect the balance, and result in harmful vibrations and a short bearing life.
3.Check each blade for free play. Any side play is an indication of defective motor bearings, which should be replaced to prevent a complete motor failure. Make sure motor mount bolts are tight.
4.Motor bearings should be lubricated periodically, depending on operating conditions. Under normal usage it is desirable to have the motor cleaned, checked and bearings repacked by an authorized service station every two to three seasons. If the unit is operated continuously through most of the year, this service should be performed each year.
Note: If on site bearing relubrication is to be performed, see lubrication instructions for ball bearing motors. To keep motor bearings properly lubricated, and dispel any accumulation of moisture within the windings, the fan and auger motors should be operated for 15 to 30 minutes each month.
If the motors are equipped with an alemite fitting, clean the tip of the fitting and grease with a grease gun. Use 1 or 2 full strokes on motors in NEMA 215 frame and smaller. Use 2 to 3 strokes on NEMA 254 through NEMA 365 frame. Use 3 to 4 strokes on NEMA 404 frames and larger. On motors having drain plugs, remove drain plug and operate motor for 20 minutes before replacing drain plug. On motors equipped with slotted head grease screw, remove screw and apply grease tube to hole. Insert 5 to 8 cm length of grease string into each hole on motors in NEMA frame and smaller. Insert 8 to 13 cm length on larger motors. On motors having grease drain plugs, remove plug and operate motor for 20 minutes before replacing drain plug.
* The bearings have been lubricated at the factory, thus no lubrication should be added before start up.
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