someone call you back; it will help cut down on repeated call attempts. This feature also allows other people in your system to leave a message for you.
Message Lets you know a caller has left a message for you when the message light goes on. You can then follow your system manager’s local message retrieval
procedures to get your message. Note: This light may be labeled Message or . (See also the Message Retrieval procedures under the Display Features heading.)
Mute Allows you to turn off the microphone of the
Priority Calling Allows you to call an extension with a distinctive
Reset Speakerphone On those 8405B Plus or 8405D Plus voice terminals on which the Reset Spkr label appears under the Speaker button, you can use this feature to initiate an acoustic test of the surrounding acoustic environment by using a series of tones. When the tones stop, your speakerphone has finished adjusting itself for optimal performance. It is now ready for use. Use whenever you move your voice terminal to a different location (even in the same room), or whenever the red light next to Speaker is fluttering, or when the display shows you a message that the speakerphone needs to be reset. This feature is accessed by pressing Shift and then Speaker or pressing the softkey below the word “Begin” on the display.
Important: You need to use this feature only if the Reset Spkr label appears under the Speaker button.
Select Ring Allows you to choose your own personalized ringing pattern for your voice terminal from among eight available patterns. Use to help distinguish your
incoming calls from those of other nearby voice terminals. Note: According to the 8405 voice terminal you are using, this feature is accessed either by pressing Shift and then Hold (if your 8405 has a Shift button) or by pressing Ring (if your voice terminal has a Ring button).
Send All Calls Temporarily sends all your calls to the extension of a person designated to answer them when you cannot (perhaps a secretary or receptionist). Use when you will be away from your desk for awhile, or when you do not want to be interrupted by telephone calls.
Note: All 8405B and 8405D voice terminals have a
Speakerphone Allows you to place and answer calls or access other voice features without lifting the handset. Use the
Note: On those 8405 voice terminals which have a Shift button and on which the Reset Spkr label appears under the Speaker button, you can press Shift and then