Oven Assembly
Before beginning assembly of the oven, check for all necessary components. In addition to the oven itself, legs, a proper vent, and/or other accesso- ries may be required.
900 Series ovens are packaged as follows:
Single Section Ovens
The following are packed in the oven:
DA set of
DEither a canopy or direct vent as specified
DEither a natural gas or propane gas pressure regulator as required.
Multiple Section Ovens
The following are packed inside the bottom sec- tion:
DA set of legs of the appropriate length
DEither a canopy or direct vent as specified
DA back pipe of appropriate length with either a natural gas or propane gas regulator attached
Additional Packaging
DUltra Rokite decks for all 900 Series are packed in a separate crate.
DThe top section of multiple section ovens will al- ways have the crown angle in position.
1.Put the oven onto a lift with the bottom of the oven down.
2.Each leg is attached by three bolts to the un- derside of the oven base frame.
1.Bolt supports to oven with
2.Carefully place oven onto the casters. (It will be necessary to have several persons lift oven off the pallet and set it onto the casters). En- gage brakes on front casters.
NOTE: A fixed restraint must be provided if cast- ers are used in conjunction with a flexible connector for movable appliances. This restraint must secure the oven to a non- movable surface to eliminate stress on the connector. If the oven is moved, the re- straint must be reconnected after the oven is returned to it’s normal position.
Restraint Cable
Figure 3
Figure 2