Outline of Configuration Procedure
The steps below are intended as an outline of the sequence for configuring a unit for bridging and IP. They are for guidance only and must be used in conjunction with the full description given in the following pages.
There are seven basic steps required for manual configuration of a unit for routing IP. The sequence for remote configuration of a unit necessitates a similar sequence with additional steps. The additional steps are given in “Configuring a Remote Unit from the Central Site” on page
The seven basic steps are:
■Assign a unique name to the unit.
■Configure the IP address and subnet mask for the unit.
It is very important to assign a unique name and IP address to each unit.
■Configure the ISDN network type, if required.
■Set up the ISDN Numbers table to associate a remote unit name with an ISDN number.
■Set up the ISDN Autocall table to associate a unit IP address with a remote unit name.
■Set up the IP Routing table to associate an IP route with a unit name.
■Enable IP routing.
The three Quick Configuration steps are:
■Assign the unit name, configure the IP address, a valid network subnet mask and the ISDN network type (if required).
■Specify the ISDN number of the central site router.
■Make a manual call to the central site router.