Chapter 11: Monitoring Your Storage Space 111

Disabling Event Notifications

E vent notifications are e nabled by default. You can choose disable them,
if required.
Note: If y ou disable event notifi cations, events will be generated bu t not
broadcast—not even to the local system.
To disable event notifications:
1Open the Notification Manager. (See page 104.)
2In the menu bar, click Actions, then click Disable notifications.
Event notifications are disabled. The Notifications tab
(shown at right) shows the red ‘disabled’ icon.
Re-enabling Event Notifications
To re-e nable event notifications, repeat steps 1 and 2 in Disabling Event
Notifications above, selecting Enable Notifications during Step 2.

Setting Up Email Notifications

Email notifications are email messages about events on a syste m in your
storage space that are sent to specified users. Email notifications can
help you monitor activity on your entire storage space from any
location, and are especially useful in storage spaces that include
multiple systems running the Adaptec Storage Manager agent only.
Only the use rs y ou specify rec ei v e email notifications. ( See page 115.)
can specify which types of events generate email messages to which
recipients to ensure that errors receive immediate attention from the
right people.
In the Email Notification Manager, y ou can add and delete email
recipients , and modify the types of email notices they receive, as your
requirements change.