Step 4: Building Your Storage Space ●53
6In the Physical Devices panel, select the disk drives you want to use
in the logical drive.
A daptec Storage Manager prompts you to select the correct number
of disk drives, as shown below. By default, Adaptec St orage M anager
automatically sets the size of the logical drive and maximizes the
capacity of the disk drives you select. (To set a custom size for the
logical drive, see the second bullet below).
●To create a hot spare—Contr ol-click on an available disk driv e. A
plus sign (+) appears to indicate that the selected drive will be
designated as a hot spare. (See page 90 for more information.)
●To set a smaller logi cal drive size—Click Advanced Settings,
then enter a size for the logical drive in the Size GB box. Available
space will remain on the selected disk drives. (See page 74 for
more information.)
●To modify other settings—Click Advanced Settings and
customize the settings as required. (See Fine-tuning Logical
Drives on page 78 for more information.)
Number of disk drives required