Chapter 11: Monitoring Your Storage Space ●115
3On the menu bar, select Actions, then click Send test message.
The test message is sent.
If the test is successful, the email recipient receiv es the test message.
If the test fails:
aEnsure that the recipient’s email address is co rrect. (See
Modifying a Recipient’s Information on page 115 to modify the
bEnsure that your SMTP server address is correct. (See Changing
the Email Notification Manager Settings on page 118 to modify
the address.)
cTry sending the test message again.
Managing the Email List
This section describes how to:
●A dd an email recipient, see page 113.
●Modify an email recipient’s information, see below.
●Remove an email recipient, see page 116.
Modifying a Recipient’s Information
If a recipient ’s email address changes, or if y ou need t o change the types
of event notifications the recipi ent receives, you can update the
recipient’s information in the Email List.
To modify a recipient’s information:
1Open the Email Notification Manager. (See page 111.)
2Click on the recipient’s name.