Step 5: Customizing Adaptec Storage Manager ●61
Logging In to Remote Systems
If multiple computers (or systems) on your network are in your storage
space, y ou can use A dapt ec Storage Ma nager to monit or and manage all
of them from one computer.
The comp uter that y ou’r e working on is called the local system. All other
comput ers in your storage space ar e remote systems. ‘Local’ and ‘ remot e’
are relative terms, as shown in the Figure below: when you are working
on workstation A (local system), server B is a remote system; when y ou
are working on server B (local system), workstation A is a remote
To manage remot e systems, you log in to them from the local system.
Adaptec Storage Manager or the Adaptec Storage Manager agent (see
page 33) must be running on the remote syst em and bef ore you can log
in to it.
Workstation running
Adaptec Storage Manager
or Agent
Local logged in
to remote
Local logged in
to remote
Server running
Adaptec Storage Manager
Workstation running
Adaptec Storage Manager
Server running
Adaptec Storage Manager
or Agent