Step 5: Customizing Adaptec Storage Manager ●66
Setting the Standard Unit of Measure
You can set Adaptec Storage Manager to show disk drive capacity in
measures of megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB).
You can choose the Auto-select setting to allow Adaptec Storage
Manager to show the most appropriate unit of measure based on disk
drive size. This option allows different disk drives to be shown in
different units of measure.
By default, disk drives are shown in GB.
To change the standard unit of measure:
1In the menu bar of the main window, select File, then click
2Click the Display options tab.
3In t he Capacity display units drop-down menu, select the option
you want.
4Click OK.
Changing the Main Window Appearance
You can choose to remove the tool bar and status bar from the main
Ad aptec Storage M anager window t o sav e space on-scr een. You can also
choose to turn off the Tool Tips that automatically appear when you
place your cursor over on-screen items.
To change the appearance of the main window, in the menu bar select
View. The options in the View menu are toggle switches, which means
that they can be selected and deselected by clicking on them.