User Documentation Addendum

On page 40-5 the MIB Objects section for the vlan port-macegress-portcommand should be replaced with the following:


vlanHAPortVlanId vlanHAPortType vlanHAPortIfIndex

mac-address-table port-mac vlan mac

On page 40-6 the following bullet should be added to the Usage Guidelines section for the mac-address-tableport-mac vlan mac command:

Note that removing the last MAC address from an HA VLAN is not allowed. Deleting the VLAN is required when there is only one MAC address left.

On page 40-7 the following MIB information should be added to the MIB Objects section for the mac- address-tableport-mac vlan mac command:


The following new command should be included in this chapter:

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Release 5.1.6.R02 User Guide Supplement June 2005

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Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6600 manual Mac-address-table port-mac vlan mac