Statistics: 00 of 00
Name of statistic here
Reset | Reset All |
Scroll through a list of items that accumulates after the statistics record is reset, including:
• Open Xfer Count: The number of open transfers since this statistic was reset.
• Closed Xfer Count: The number of closed transfers since this statistic was reset.
• Generator Fuel Used: The amount of fuel used since this statistic was reset.
• Source 1 Bad Count: The number of times Source 1 was not acceptable, as defined in the Transfer Points menu, since this statistic was reset.
• S1 Low Volts Count: The number of times the Source 1 input voltage went below the configured Low voltage Transfer Point on one or more of the phases since this statistic was reset.
• S1 High Volts Count: The number of times the Source 1 input voltage exceeded the configured High voltage Transfer Point on one or more of the phases since this statistic was reset.
• S1 Bad Freq Count: The number of times the Source 1 input voltage went outside the configured Freq range, as defined in the Transfer Points menu, since this statistic was reset.
• S1 Imbalance Count: The number of times the percent voltage difference between two phases, as defined by the Phase Balance setting in the Transfer Points menu, was exceeded on Source 1 since this statistic was reset.
• Total Time S1 Bad: The total amount of time Source 1 was not acceptable, as defined in the Transfer Points menu, since this statistic was reset.
• Maximum Time S1 Bad: The longest amount of time Source 1 was not acceptable, as defined in the Transfer Points menu, since this statistic was reset.
• Minimum Time S1 Bad: The shortest amount of time Source 1 was not
| acceptable, as defined in the Transfer Points menu, since this statistic was reset. |
| • Time on Source 1: The total amount of time Source 1 was selected since this |
| statistic was reset. |
| • Time on Source 2: The total amount of time Source 2 was selected since this |
| statistic was reset. |
Reset | Reset only the statistic that is shown on the screen by pressing ENTER and |
| following the prompts. |
Reset All | Reset all of the statistics by pressing ENTER and following the prompts. |
42 | InfraStruXure Power Generation System |