Access panel, on panel board, 13– 14
Accessing the display interface, 67 Agency approvals, 79
Alarm beeper, 44 Alarm LED, 29 Alarm/event log, 43 Alarms
clearing latched, 44 configuring limits, 43– 44 viewing active, 43
Alarms screen, 43– 44 Allow closed setting, 8 Arm/Test rocker switch, 17 Armed LED, 17
ATS product description, 11– 14 ATS/Voltage screen, 33– 36 Automatic operation, 19– 21
loss of, 21
placing the generator system in to, 19
resetting on the ATS generator, 20
Automatic operation control panel, 12, 16
Automatic operation switch, 16
Bad line quality, 6 BOOTP configuration, 53
Bottom access panel, location of, 11
Buttons (navigational/operational) on display interface, 29
Check log LED, 29 Circuit board port, 17
Circuit breaker panel, determining configuration of, 69
Circuit breakers, 68– 75 adapter modules, 69 available from APC, 68 combinations of, 70
installing on the ATS panel board, 74
preparing for installation, 72 tools needed for installation, 73
Closed transfers, 8
Communication converter, location of, 13
Compatible ATS equipment, 5 Compliance, 79 Components, of the ATS, 15– 18 Config screen, 45– 47 Configuration
electrical, 47
of ATS communication, 49– 60 of contacts and relays, 46
of system and network, 45 of the EPO switch, 63
Console port, 17
Control console, local and remote access to, 55– 56
Coolant temperature limit, 7
Crank setting, 7 Crank time, 7
Custom installations,
Dead front, description, 12 Dead front source label, 18 DHCP configuration, 54 DIP switches, 17 Display interface, 29– 47
location of, 12
navigating through screens, 31 obtaining easy access to, 67 screens, 32– 47
Electrical configuration, 47 Electrical specifications, 77 Elevation, for operation, 3 Emergency manual operation, 22
powering the load from the generator, 23– 24
returning to powering the load from utility mains, 25– 26
Emergency Power Off Arm/Test rocker switch, 17
connecting the switch to the ATS, 63– 66
contacts port, location of, 17 DIP switches, 17
safety warnings, 66 where connected, 16 Emissions verifications, 79
Engine start test, 39 Environment, for operation, 3 Environmental specifications, 79 EPO contacts port, location of, 17 EPO. See Emergency Power Off.
Equipment, compatible with the ATS, 5
Ethernet port, on user connection plate, 16
Factory defaults, resetting the, 47
Firmware updates, how to download, 76
Front bezel label, 18 Front door, description, 11 Front view
door closed, 11 door open, 12
FTP, for transferring new firmware to the ATS, 59
Fuel monitoring, 9
Fuel status, where displayed, 37 Fuse block, on panel board, 13
Generator label, 18
InfraStruXure Power Generation System | 83 |