Battery Management System
Syslog test (Web interface). This option allows you to send a test
message to the Syslog servers configured in the Syslog Server section.
1. Select the priority you want to assign to the test message.
2. Define the test message, using any text that is formatted as described
in Syslog message format below. For example, APC: Test message,
meets the required message format.
3. Click Apply to have the Battery Management System send a Syslog
message that uses the defined Priority and Test Message settings.
Syslog message format. A Syslog message has three parts:
• The priority (PRI) part identifies the Syslog priority assigned to the
message’s event and the facility code assigned to messages sent by
the Battery Management System.
• The Header includes a time stamp and the IP address of the Battery
Management System.
• The message (MSG) part has two fields:
– A TAG field, which is followed by a colon and a space, identifies the
event type (APC or System, for example).
– A CONTENT field provides the event text, followed by a space and
the event code.