Just below the on-of f switch, note the data u sage cycle. Touch it
to choose a different cycl e. This date range is the p eriod of time
for which the graph displ ays data usage.
The vertical white line s on the graph show a pe riod of time withi n
the data usage cycle. This ra nge determines the usa ge amount
displayed just below the gr aph. Drag lines to c hange the perio d.
Set auto-sync
You can also conserve data usa ge by syncing your ap ps manual-
ly, only when you need the data , rather than rel ying on auto-s ync.
To turn auto-sync off or on , touch Menu > Auto-sync data.
Set data usage warning
Drag the orange line by its ri ght side to the level whe re you want
to receive a warning.
When your data usage reach es this level, you’ll receive a
Set data usage limit
1. Check Set m obile data limit .
A dialog appears that desc ribes the limit yo u’re setting.
2. R ead the message. If y ou’re willing to pro ceed, touch OK.
The red line at the top of the grap h activates, so you can d rag
it up or down.
3. D rag the red line by its r ight side to the limi t you want to set.
When your data usage reach es the limit, mobile data wi ll be
turned off automatica lly and many features of your tablet
won’t work corr ectly. You’ll receive a n otication when this