Try Face Unlock
You can set an automatic scree n lock for your tab let. After yo u set
a lock, the screen lock s when the display goes to s leep or when
you press the Power button.
You can set locks of different s trengths using l ock settings:
1. Go to Settings > Persona l > Security > Scre en lock.
2. Touc h the type of lock yo u’d like to use.
Face Unlock is one of the optio ns available. Af ter you’ve set it up,
you can unlock your table t simply by lookin g at it. Although Fac e
Unlock is not very secu re, it can be conven ient and fun to use.
TIP: After you se t up Face Unlock, look unde r Settings >
Personal > Security for two additional settin gs: Improve
face matching and Liveness check. Use these to make Face
Unlock more reliable an d secure.
Share content with Android Beam
You can beam a web page, a video, o r other content from your
screen to another device b y bringing the devices to gether (typi-
cally back to back).
Before you begin: Make sure both devices are unlock ed, support
Near Field Communica tion (NFC), and hav e both NFC and And roid
Beam turned on.
1. Open a scre en that contains something yo u’d like to share,
such as a webpage, YouTube video, or pla ce page in Maps.