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MS-01413, MS-01414, or MS-01415 Mag Stripe Error
End Sentinel error reading data on track 1, 2, or 3.
What is an End Sentinel?
•An End Sentinel is special data used when encoding a magnetic stripe. It is not the data you enter.
Possible Cause 1: The card has dirt or damage on the magnetic stripe.
Solution 1: Send the card to print again. If the message appears a second time, run a printer cleaning card.
Possible Cause 2: The magnetic stripe on the card is Low Coercivity material and the High Coercivity setting is selected.
Solution 2: To use the cards you have, select the Low Coercivity setting (in
Diagnostics). To encode with High Coercivity, obtain High Coercivity cards.
Make sure the cards work with your magnetic stripe reader.
If you cannot fix the problem, contact your service provider for assistance.
Related Topics:
“Cleaning the printer” on page 39 “Cleaning the printer rollers” on page 41