5.In the Run dialog box, type x:\win98\touchpad\english\setup.exe, where x is the
If you are using a
x:\win98\touchpad\japanese\setup.exe, where x is the
NOTICE: Do not install the
6.Click OK.
7.At the Welcome screen, click Next>.
At the Choose Destination Location window, click Next>.
8.At the Start Copying Files window, click Next>.
The touch pad files are copied to your
9.At the Setup Complete window, be sure that the Yes, I want to restart my computer now radio button is selected, and then click Finish.
The Information about your Touch Pad window appears. If you do no want this window to appear each time you start the computer, uncheck the box that says Show this message the next time Windows starts. Then click Close.
Installing the Internal Modem Driver (Optional)
NOTE: The internal modem is not available in some regions.
The modem driver allows you to customize the operation of the optional internal modem.
If your computer has an internal modem, perform the following steps to install the driver:
1.Save and close any open files, and exit any open application programs.
2.Insert the System Software CD into the
3.If the Welcome to Windows 98 screen appears, click the x in the
4.Click the Start button, and then click Run.
5.In the Run dialog box, type x:\win98\modem\setup.exe, where x is the
6.Click OK.