The alert destinations are configured.

7.In the SNMP Trap Format section, select the protocol version to be used to send the traps on the trap destination(s) — SNMP v1, SNMP v2, or SNMP v3 and click Apply.

NOTE: The SNMP Trap Format option applies only for SNMP Traps and not for IPMI Traps. IPMI Traps are always sent in SNMP v1 format and is not based on the configured SNMP Trap Format option.

The SNMP trap format is configured.

Configuring IP Alert Destinations Using RACADM

To configure the trap alert settings:

1.To enable traps:

For IPv4 address:

racadm config -g cfgIpmiPet -o cfgIpmiPetAlertEnable -i (index) (01)

For IPv6 address:

racadm config -g cfgIpmiPetIpv6 -o cfgIpmiPetIpv6AlertEnable -i (index) (01)

where, (index) is the destination index and 0 or 1 disables or enables the trap, respectively. For example, to enable trap with index 4, enter the following command:

racadm config -g cfgIpmiPet -o cfgIpmiPetAlertEnable -i 4 1

2.To configure the trap destination address:

racadm config -g cfgIpmiPetIpv6 -o cfgIpmiPetIpv6AlertDestIPAddr -i [index] [IP-address]

where [index] is the trap destination index and [IP-address]is the destination IP address of the system that receives the platform event alerts.

3.Configure the SNMP community name string:

racadm config -g cfgIpmiLan -o cfgIpmiPetCommunityName [name] where [name] is the SNMP Community Name.

4.To configure SNMP destination:

To set the SNMP trap destination for SNMPv3:

racadm set idrac.SNMP.Alert.[index].DestAddr [Ip address]

For example,

racadm set idrac.SNMP.Alert.1.DestAddr

To set SNMPv3 users for trap destinations:

racadm set idrac.SNMP.Alert.1.SNMPv3Username root

To enable SNMPv3 for a user:

racadm set idrac.users.2.SNMPv3Enable Enabled

5.To test the trap, if required: racadm testtrap -i [index]

where [index] is the trap destination index to test.

For more information, see the iDRAC8 RACADM Command Line Interface Reference Guide available at


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Dell iDRAC8 manual Configuring IP Alert Destinations Using Racadm