Chapter 3
Using the System
dish home Button
Press the DISH button on your remote control to use dish home
Interactive TV.
Format/Star Button
Press the FORMAT/STAR button to toggle through the available display modes (Normal, Zoom) on widescreen displays.
Recover Button
Press the RECOVER button if you accidentally change the channel or video input on your TV and cannot get the picture back from your satellite receiver. When you press the
RECOVER button as described below, the remote control sends commands to your TV to change channels or video inputs to try to get you back to watching satellite programming. This procedure works only if you have accidentally changed the TV channel or video input. It does not recover lost satellite signal (See Chapter 4 - Reference for troubleshooting information). RECOVER only works if the remote control has been set up to control the TV and/or VCR, if connected.
Note: You may need to press the RECOVER button up to 30 times to recover your satellite TV video.
1.Press and hold the RECOVER button until all four mode buttons light, and then let go of the button. The SAT mode button flashes twice and then all four mode buttons flash three times.
2.Press the RECOVER button. Wait for the TV mode button to flash once and then all four mode buttons to flash once.
3.If you see the System Info screen, press the SELECT/OK button to close the screen. You have recovered your satellite video.
4.If you do not see the System Info screen, repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have recovered your satellite video.
Note: If you have a DISH Network HD monitor, you may be able to use the SAT button instead of the RECOVER button to restore your TV back to watching satellite programming. See your DISH Network HD Monitor User’s Guide for details. Other buttons on your remote control that do not operate your satellite receiver are reserved for future use.
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