9.3.4 Sensor Incompatible
This error message means that the sensor board software is not supported by the main board software. Either the sensor board or the main board software is too old.
Replace the main board with one compatible with the sensor board. Call the factory for assistance. You will be asked for the main and sensor board software revision numbers. To read the main board software revision, press the DIAG key and scroll down until Instr SW Ver is showing. To view the sensor board software revision, press the DIAG key, choose the appropriate sensor, and scroll down until Board SW Ver is showing. The main board can be replaced only at the factory.
9.3.5 Sensor CPU Error
This message means the sensor board software is corrupted.
1.Cycle the power off then on.
2.If cycling the power does not help, call the factory. The sensor board must be replaced.
9.3.6 Sensor RTD Open
The chlorine and pH sensors used in the FCL contain a Pt 100 RTD (resistance temperature device) for measuring temperature. Sensor RTD open means the temperature measuring circuit is open.
1.Confirm that the sensor RTD wires are properly connected.
2.Confirm that the Varipol connector is properly seated.
3.Disconnect the sensor from the cable and use an ohmmeter to check the resistance across the RTD. See Figures
FIGURE 9-1. Pin Out Diagram for Model 499ACL-01-VP
Sensor (top view of connector end of sensor)
9.3.7 Sensor 1 Not Detected
FIGURE 9-2. Pin Out Diagram for Model 3900VP Sensor (top view of connector end of sensor)
The ribbon cable from sensor 1 (chlorine) board must be plugged into the sensor 1 plug. See Figure
1.Confirm that the ribbon cable connecting sensor 1 (chlorine) board to the main board is plugged into the Sensor 1 connector on the main board.
2.Confirm that the ribbon cable is seated at both ends.
9.3.8 Sensor Factory Data, Sensor Board User Data, and Sensor EEPROM Write Error
These messages mean factory eeprom data or user eeprom data on the sensor board is corrupted or the CPU on the sensor board is bad.
1.Cycle power off then on.
2.Replace the sensor board.
9.3.9 Sensor ADC Error
There is a bad component on the sensor board. The sensor board must be replaced.