Follow these steps to change your built-in serial and parallel interface settings:

1.At the main menu, highlight Serial/Parallel. The current settings for each port appear:

S e r i a l


P a r a l l e l


2.Press m to move the cursor block into the submenu. You see this additional option menu:




3.If you want to change the serial port setting, be sure Serial is highlighted and press IEnter If you want to change the parallel port setting, highlight Parallel and press [Enter. The cursor block moves into the submenu.

4.Use L or 1‘ to highlight the appropriate setting for the port you selected and press IEnter The screen displays the new setting.


If you add an option card with a parallel or serial port and highlight a setting that causes a conflict between your built-in port and the port on the option card, you see this message:

C o n f l i c t w i t h o p t i o n c a r d

Running the Setup Program 2-29