Using Special VGA FeaturesYour built-in VGA display adapter supports standard VGA monitors and multi-frequency monitors with analog connectors. The VGA adapter allows these monitors to operate in all standard VGA modes without requiring any special device drivers. However, if you want to use extended VGA modes, you can install one or more of the device drivers provided on your Utility diskettes. These drivers allow you to use all of the capabilities of your monitor and built-in VGA display adapter.
The device drivers provide VGA features such as these:
QResolutions of 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 (non-interlaced) in graphics modes with 16 colors
Li Resolutions up to 640 x 480 in graphics modes with
Cl 132-column text mode in 16 colors
Ll Graphics cursor movement performed by the built-in VGA hardware.
To use graphic display drivers in 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 resolutions, you must have a multi-frequency monitor capable of displaying these resolutions. Standard VGA monitors cannot display them.
Enhancing System Operations 4-13