0Every time you remove the cover, be sure to ground yourself by touching the inside of the computer’s back panel before you touch any components inside. If you are not properly grounded, you could conduct static electricity and damage your components. Also, do not touch any components except those that this manual instructs you to touch.
Ll When disconnecting cables from sockets on the computer’s main system board or any devices (such as disk drives), avoid pulling on the cable; grasp the plastic connector to remove it from a socket.
Cl When plugging a connector or a component into a socket, be sure to position it correctly. Carefully align any connector pins with the corresponding holes in the socket before you push in the connector. Otherwise, you can severely damage the equipment.
Li Always replace the computer’s cover before you turn on the power, or the computer may overheat.
Removing the CoverRemove the computer’s cover to do any of the following:
tl Change jumper settings
c3 Install or remove option cards
Cl Install or remove single inline memory modules (SIMMs)
Q Install or remove a math coprocessor
Li Install or remove disk drives or other storage devices.