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TM-T88III series Specification
GS B n
[Name] Turn white/black reverse printing mode
[Format] ASCII GS B n
Hex 1D 42
Decimal 29 66 n
[Range] 0
n 255
[Description] Turns on or off white/black reverse printing mode.
When the LSB of n is 0, white/black reverse mode is turned off.
When the LSB of n is 1, white/black reverse mode is turned on.
[Details] Only the lowest bit of n is valid.
This command is available for built-in characters and user-defined charac ters.
When white/black reverse printing mode is on, it also applied to character spacing set by ESC
This command does not affect bit image, user-defined bit image, bar c ode, HRI characters,
and spacing skipped by HT, ESC $, and ESC \.
This command does not affect the space between lines.
White/black reverse mode has a higher priority than underline mode. Even if under line
mode is on, it is disabled (but not canceled) when white/black reverse mode is selected.
[Default] n = 0
GS H n
[Name] Select printing position for HRI characters
[Format] ASCII GS H n
Hex 1D 48 n
Decimal 29 72 n
[Range] 0 n 3, 48 n 51
[Description] Selects the printing position of HRI characters when printing a bar code.
n selects the printing position as follows:
n Printing position
0, 48 Not printed
1, 49 Above the bar code
2, 50 Below the bar code
3, 51 Both above and below the bar code
[Details] HRI indicates Human Readable Interpretation.
HRI characters are printed using the font specified by GS f.
[Default] n = 0
[Reference] GS f, GS k