Note that a line feed was inserted between "lesson" and "TEST 1" in Figure I.1. This line feed was inserted automatically because there was no room for the blank " " following the word "lesson" within the horizontal range of the 200 ⋅ 400 printable area. The feed amount here is that specified by ESC 3. Any number of printable areas can be specified before the FF is executed. If any printable areas overlap, however, the logical sum of the data written to the overlapping portions is used for the final printing.
It is possible to erase a portion of the data that is already developed. Using ESC W, specify a printable area consisting of only the section to be erased; then use CAN to erase the data. All the data existing in the specified printable area can be erased, even if it is just a portion of a character.
Example 2: Sample program in BASIC
100 PRINT #1,CHR$(&H1B);"L";
110 PRINT #1,CHR$(&H1B);"W";CHR$(0);CHR$(0);CHR$(0);CHR$(0); 120 PRINT #1,CHR$(200);CHR$(0);CHR$(144);CHR$(1);
130 PRINT #1,CHR$(&H1B);"T";CHR$(0);
140 PRINT #1,"Page mode lesson 2 CAN command"
150 PRINT #1,CHR$(&HA);
170 PRINT #1,CHR$(&HC);
This example works as follows:
First, transmit ESC L to switch to page mode (line no. 100). Then use ESC W to send 8 parameters from n1 to n8 to specify the printable area. To specify a printable area of 200 dots in the x direction and 400 dots in the y direction, starting from the origin (0,0), the parameters are transmitted in the order of 0,0,0,0,200,0,144,1 (line nos. 110 and 120). In addition, the printing direction is specified as 0 by using ESC T (line no. 130).
After these items are specified, the print data "Page mode lesson 2 CAN command" and "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST1234567890" are transmitted (line nos. 140 to 160). By sending FF (line no. 170), the printout shown in Figure I.2 is produced.
Page mode lesson 2 CAN command
← Printable area
Figure I.2 Page Mode Example 2
TM-T88III series
EPSON Specification (STANDARD)
B | NEXT | SHEET | |
App.15 | App.14 | ||
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