GE 49-8338 installation instructions How toselect Flqme size, TopofRange cookware, Wok cooking

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How toselect Flqme size

Watchthe flame,not theknob,as youreduceheat.

The flamesize on a gas burnershouldmatchthe cookwareyou are using.



of the cookwareis wastedand only servesto heat the handle.

Whenboiling, adjustthe flame so the circleit makes is about 1/2inch smallerthan the bottomof the cookware-no matterwhat the cookwareis madeof. Foodscookjust as quicklyat a gentleboil as they do at a furious,rollingboil. A high boilcreatessteam and cooksaway moisture,flavorand nutrition.Avoid it exceptfor the few cookingprocessesthatneed a vigorousboil.

When frying or warming foo~ in stiidess steel, east iron or enamelware, keep the flame down lower—to about 1/2 the diameter of the pan.

When frying in glass or ceramic cookware, lower the flame even more.

Top”of”Range cookware

Aluminum: Medium-weightcookwareis recommendedbecauseit heatsquicklyand evenly. Mostfoodsbrownevenlyin an aluminumskillet.Use saucepanswith tight-fittinglids whencookingwith minimumamountsof water.

Cast-Iron: If heatedslowly,most skilletswillgive satisfactoryresults.

Enamelware: Undersomeconditions,the enamelof somecookwaremay melt.Followcookware manufacturer’srecommendationsfor cookingmethods.

Glass: Thereare two typesof glasscookware-those for ovenuse only and thosefor top-of-rangecooking (saucepans,coffeeand teapots).Glassconductsheat very slowly.

Heatproof Glass Ceramic: Can be used for either surfaceor oven cooking.It conductsheat very slowlyand coolsvery slowly.Checkcookware manufacturer’sdirectionsto be sureit can be used on gas ranges.

Stainless Steel: This metal alonehas poor heating


propertiesand is ~~suallycombinedwith copper,


aluminumor other metalsfor improvedheat


distribution.Combinationmetalskilletsusu~ly work


satisfactorilyif they are used with mediumheat as the




wok cooking


oWerecommendthat you use only a flat-bottomed wok. They are availableat your localretail store.

~Do not use woks thathave supportrings. Use of these typesof woks, with or

withoutthe ring in place,‘t~!’i.r”,tl!g can be dangero~s.placingthe

ring over the burnergratemay

cause the burnerto workimproperlyresultingin carbonmonoxidelevelsaboveallowablecurrent standards.This couldbe dangerousto yourhealth. Do not try to use suchwokswithoutthe ring. You could be seriouslyburnedif the wok tippedover.

useofstoveTop Gflls


Do not use stovetop grills on your sealedgas burners. If you use the stovetop grill on the sealedgas burnerit will cause incompletecombustion and can result in exposure to carbonmonoxidelevels aboveallowablecurrentstandards. This can be hazardousto your health.

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GE 49-8338 installation instructions How toselect Flqme size, TopofRange cookware, Wok cooking