GE 49-8338 installation instructions MSTAL~~mo~msTRucTIoNs ‘ ~

Models: 49-8338

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mSTAL~~mo~msTRucTIoNs ‘ ~

,., (continued),.



tisMatiOn of tis rangemust cotiormtiti

Iod codes, or in tie absenceofIod codes, tith the NationalFuelGasCode,~SI

=23.1, ktest e&tion.h Canada,instition must conform withthe cwrent Natial Gas

Initiation Code,C~/CGA-B149.l ortie mrent Propmeks-tion Code,C~/CGA- B149.2,md tith Iod codeswhereapplicable.

Thisrange has been design-certied by the AmericanGasAssociationaccordingto ANSI221.1, latest edition and Canadian Gas Association according to CANICGA-1.Ilatest edition. As with any applianceusing gas and generating heat, there are certain safety precautions you should follow.Youwillfind these precautions in the Important Safety Instructions in the front of this book. Read them carefully.

~Have your range installed by a qua~ed installer or service technician.

~Your range must be electricallygrounded in accordance with local CO*<Sor, in the absence of local codes, in accordance with the National Electrical Code (ANS1/NFPA70, latest edition). In Canada, electrical grounding must be in accordancewith tie current CSAC22.1Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 and/or local codes. See Electrical Connections in this section.

~Before installing your range on linoleum or any other synthetic floor covering, make sure the floor covering can withstand 180°R without shrinking, warpiiig or discoloring. Do not install the range over carpeting unless a sheet of 1/4” thick plywood or similar insulator is placed between the range and carpeting.

sMake sure the wall coverings around the range can withstid heat generated by the range up to 200°R

~Avoidplacing cabinets above the range. To reduce the hazard caused by reaching over the open flames of operating burners, install a ventilation hood over the range that projects forward at least Wbeyondthe tiont ofthe cabinets.

~The ventilating hood must be constructed of sheet metal not less than 0.0122”thick. Install above the cooktop with a clearance of not less than 114”between the hood and the underside of the combustiblematerial or metal cabinet. The hood must beat least as wide as the appfianceand centered over the appliance. Clearance between the coohg surface and the ventilationhood stice

mm mR BE m m 24 mcm.

~If cabinets are placed above the range, allowa minimum clearance of 30”between the cooking surface and the bottom of unprotected cabinets.

~Ifa 30”clearancebetweencookingstice and

overheadcombustiblematerialor metalcabinets cannotbe maintained,protectthe undersideof the cabinetsabovethe cooktopwithnotless than 1/4”insulatingmillboardcoveredwith sheet metalnot less than 0.0122”thick.

~Clearancebetweenthe cookingsurfaceand

protectedca~inetsWm mR BE =

_ 24 INC=. Theverticaldistancefrom the planeofthe cookingsurfaceto the bottom ofadjacentoverheadcabinetsextendingcloser than 1“to the planeofthe rangesidesmust not be less than 18”.(SeeDimensionsand Clearancesi~ustrationin this section.)

QCaution:Itemsofinterestto childrenshould notbe storedin cabinetsabovea range or onthe backsplashofa range--childrenclimbingon the rangeto reach itemscouldbe seriouslyinjured.

Allranges cantip andinjury couldresult.Toprevent accidentitippingoftherange, o attachan approvedAnti-Tip deviceto the wan. (See

Instalhg the Anti-TipDevice in this section.)To checkif the deviceis installedand engagedproperly,carefully tipthe rangeforward.The Anti-Tipdeviceshouldengage andpreventthe rangefrom tippingover.

Ifyoupullthe range outfrom

the wallfor anyreason,make sure the Anti-Tip deviceis engagedwhenyoupush the rangeback againstthe wall.

~For your safety,never use your range for warming or heating the room. Your oven and range top are not designed to heat your kitchen. Top burners should not be operated tithout cookware on the grate. Such abuse could result in fire and damage to your range and willvoid your warranty.

~Do not store or use combustiblematerials,

gasolineor other flammablevaporsand liquids in the vicini~ofthis or anyother appliance. Explosionsor fires couldresult.

~Do not use ovenfor a storagearea.Items storedin the ovencan ignite.

@Do not let cookinggrease or otherflammable materialsaccumulatein or near the range.


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GE 49-8338 installation instructions MSTAL~~mo~msTRucTIoNs ‘ ~