GE 49-8338 installation instructions Burner Grates

Models: 49-8338

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Lift off whencool. Washburnercapsin hot, soapywater and rinsewith clean water.If desired,soak up to 30 minutes

and scourwith a plasticscouringpad to remove burned-onfood particles.Dry themin a warm ovenor with a cloth-don’t reassemblethemwet.

The holesin the burnersof your range, ~--- >

and the sparkelectrodes,must be kept “/.\.\,, ..

clean at all times for properignition a and ~ even,unhamperedflame.

Youshouldcleantheburnerheadsroutinely,especially after bad spi~overs,whichcouldclog theseholes. Wipeoff burnerheads.If heavy spilloveroccurs, removeburnerheadsfromrange.

Removethe burnergrateand burnercap. Then lift the burnerhead sfiaightup.

Toremoveburned-onfood,soak the burnerhead upside-downin a solutionof mild liquiddetergentand hot water.Soak the burnerhead for 20 to 30 minutes. If the food doesn’trinseoff completely,scrub it with soapand waterand a softbrushor plasticscoutingpad.

.~~~~ ~~~$ (on somemodels)

Removethegrates and lift outthe drip pans. Drippanscan

be cleanedin [~-~dishwasheror by

hand.Placethemin a % coveredcontainer(or

~plasticbag)with 1/4cupammoniato loosenthe soil. Thenscrubwitha soap-filledscouringpadif necess~.

The burnerbase (thepart of’the burner fastenedto the cooktop)may be cleanedwith a softbrushand a mild cleanser.Cleanall foodresiduesfrom aroundsparkelectrode.Do not use steelwool;small bits of steelwoolwill shortout theelectrode.Rinse well.

For morestubbornstains,use a cleanserlike Soft ScrubQbrandor Bon AmiQbrand.Wnsewellto

removeany tracesof the cleanserthatmightclogthe — burneropenings.Do not use steelwoolbecauseit will

clog the burneropeningsand scratchthe burners.If theholesbecomeclogged,cleanthemwitha toothpick.

Beforeputtingthe burnerheadback,shakeout excess waterand dry it thoroughlyby settingit in a warm ovenfor 30 minutes.Thenplaceit backin the range, makingsurethe pin in the burnerbasegoesin the hole in the burnerhead,and thatthe burnerheadsare properlyseatedand level.

Burner Grates

Lift out when cool. Gratesshouldbe washedregularly and, of course, after spillovers.

Washthemin hot, soapywaterandrinse with clean water.After cleaning,dry them thoroughlyby putting them in a warm ovenfor a few minutes.Don’tput the gratesbackon the rangewhilethey are wet. When replacingthe grates,be surethey’repositioned securelyoverthe burners.

To get rid of burned-onfood,placethe gratesin a coveredcontainer(or plasticbag)with 1/4cup ammoniato loosenthe soil. Then scrubwith a soap-filledscouringpad if necessary.

Althoughthey’redurable,the grateswill gradually lose their shine,regardlessof the bestcare you can givethem. This is due to their continualexposureto _- high temperatures.

Do not operatea burnerfor an extendedperiodof - time withoutcookwmeon the grate.The finishon the grate may chip withoutcookwareto absorbthe heat.


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GE 49-8338 installation instructions Burner Grates