GE 49-8338 OvenAir Venb, Metil Park, Air Adjustment Shutters forOven Burners

Models: 49-8338

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ovenAir Venb

Never block the venti (air opetigs) of the range. Theyprovidethe air inlet and outletthat are necessaryfor the rangeto operateproperlywith conect combustion.Air openingsare locatedat the rear of the cooktop,at the top and bottomof the oven door,and at the bottomof therange,under the kick panel,storagedraweror broilerdrawer(dependingon the model).






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Metil Park

Do not use steel wool,abrasives, ammoniaor commercialoven cleaners.Tosafelycleansurfaces; wash,rinse and then dry with a soft cloth.

Cleanthe areaunderthe cooktopoften.Built-upsoil, especiallygrease,may catchon fire.

Tomakecleaningeasier,thecooktopmaybe liftedup. To raise the cooktop:

1.Be sureburnersare turnedoff.

2.Removethe grates.

3.Graspthe two front burnerwells andlift up.

Somemodelshavedual supportrods thatwillhold the cooktopup whileyou cleanunderneathit.

After cleaning under the cooktop with hot, soapy waterand a cleancloth,lowerthe cooktop.Be careful not to pinchyour fingers.

I.owercooktopgentlyto avoidblowingout pilot flames(on modelswith standingpilots).

Glass $utiaces

To cleanthe outsideglass finish,use a glasscleaner. Rinseand polishwith a dry cloth.Do not allowthe wateror cleanerto run downinsideopeningsin the glasswhilecleaning.

Air Adjustment Shutter(s) forOven Burner(s)

The air adjustmentshutter(s)for the oven burner(s)regulatesthe flow of air to the flames.

The locationof the air adjustmentshutter(s)dependson whetheryouroven has a singlebottomburneror two separateburners-a top burnerfor broilingand a bottomburnerfor normalbaking.See InstallationSectionof thisbook for instmctionsfor locationand properadjustmentof shutters.

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GE 49-8338 installation instructions OvenAir Venb, Metil Park, Air Adjustment Shutters forOven Burners