GE 49-8338 installation instructions

Models: 49-8338

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The Continuous-CleaningOven cleans itself while tooting. The oven wallsare finishedwitha special coatingthatcannotbe cleanedin the usualmannerwith soap,detergents,steelwoolpads, commercialoven cleaners,coarseabrasivepadsor coarsebrushes.Use of suchcleansersand/ortheuse of ovensprayswill cause permanentdarnage.

The special coating is a porous ceramic material, whichis dark in colorandfeels slightlyroughto the touch.If magnified,the surfacewouldappearas peaks, valleysand sub-stiace “tunnels.”Thisroughfinish tendsto preventgreasespattersfrom forminglittle beadsor dropletsthatrun downthe sidewallsof a ‘hard-surfaceovenliner,leavingunsightlystreaksthat requirehand cleaning.Instead,when spatterhits the porousfinish,it is dispersedand partiallyabsorbed. This spreadingactionincreasesthe exposureof oven soilto heatedair andmakesit somewhatlessnoticeable.

Sotimay not disappearcompletelyand at sometime afterextendedusage,stainsmay appearthat cannot be removed.

The special coating works best on small arnounk of spatter. It doesnot workwell with largerspills, especiallysugars,egg or dairymixtures.

This special coating is not used OXIoven shelves, oven bottom or door liner. Removetheseto clean with a commercialovencleanerto preventdamaging the Continuous-CleaningOven coating.

To C1eanthe Continuous-CleaningOven:

1.Let rangeparts coolbeforehandling.Werecommend rubberglovesbe worn whencleaning.

2.Removeshelvesand cookware.

3.Soilvisibilitymaybe reducedby operatingthe oven at 400”F.Closethe doorand turn OVENCONTROL knobto 400”F.Timefor at leastfourhours.Repeated cyclesmay be necessarybeforeimprovementin appearanceis apparent.

Remember: During the operation of the oven, the door and other range surfaces willget hot enough to cause burns. Do not touch. Let the range coolbefore replacing oven shelves.

~.If a spilloveror heavysoilingoccurson the porous surface,as soonas the ovenhas cooled,removeas much of the soil as possibleusing a smallamountof water and a stiff-bristlenylonbrush.Use water sparinglyand changeit frequently,keepingit as cleanas possible,and be sureto blotit up withpaper towels,clothsor sponges.Do not rub or scrubwith

papertowels,clothsor sponges,sincethey will leave unsightlylint on the ovenfinish.If waterleaves a whitering on the finishas it dries,applywateragain and blot it with a cleansponge,startingat the edge of the ring and workingtowardthe center.

The oven bottom and the inside of the oven door have a porcelain enamel finish. The oven doorlifts off and the ovenbottomcomesout for cleaningaway fromthe Continuous-CleaningOven.

Do not use soap, detergent, steel woolpads, commercial oven cleaner, siliconeoven sprays, coarse pads or coarse brushes on the porous surface. Theseproductswill spot, clogand darnage the porous surfaceand reduceits abilityto work.

Donot scrape the porous surfacewitha Imifeor spatia— they couldpermanentlydamagethe finish.



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GE 49-8338 installation instructions