GE 49-8338 installation instructions Bating Guides, Cooties, Bating Pans, Dom9tPeek

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Bating Guides

Whenusingpreparedbakingmixes,followpackagerecipeor instructions for best bakingresults.


When baking cookies,flat cookie sheets(without sides)produce



cookies.Cookieso bakedin a jelly roll

pan (shortsidesdl around)may have

darkeredgesand pale or lightbrowningmay occur.

Do not use a cookiesheetso largethat it touchesthe walls or the door of the oven.

For best results,use onlyone cookiesheetin the oven at a time.

Nevercovera shelf entirelywith a large cookiesheetor aluminumfoil. ~s willdisturbthe heat circulationand results in poorbaking.A smallersheetof foil may be used to catcha spilloverby placingit

on a lowershelfseveralinchesbelow the food.


For best results,b~e pies in dark,roughor dull pans to producea browner,crispercrust.Frozen pies in foil pans shouldbe placedon an aluminum cookiesheetfor bakingsincethe shinyfoilpanreflects heat away from the pie crust;the cookiesheethelps retain it.

Whenbakingcakes,warpedor bentpans will cause unevenbakingresultsand poorlyshapedproducts. A cakebakedin a pan largerthan therecipe recommendswill usuallybe crisper,thinnermd drier thanit shouldbe. If bakedin a pan smallerthan recommended,it maybe undercookedand battermay ovefflow.Checkthe recipeto makesurethe pan size used is the one recommended.

Bating Pans

Use the properbakingpan. The typeof finishon the pan determinesthe amountof browningthatwilloccur.

~Dark, roughor dullpans absorbheat resultingin a browner,crispercrust. Use this typefor pies.

~Shiny,brightand smoothpans reflectheat, resulting in a lighter,more delicatebrowning.Cakesand cookiesrequirethis typeof pan.

~Glass bakingdishesdso absorbheat. When baking in glassbakingdishes,lower the temperatureby 25°F.and use the recommendedcookingtime in the recipe.This is not necessarywhenbakingpies or casseroles.


Setthetimerfortheestimatedcookingtimeanddo notopenthedoorto lookat yourfood.Mostrecipes provideminimumandmaximumbakingtimessuch as “bake 30-40mintites.”

DONOTopenthedoorto checkuntiltheminimum time.Openingtheovendoorfrequentlyduring cookingallowsheattoescapeandm~es baking timeslongerYourbakingresultsmayalsobe. affected.



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GE 49-8338 installation instructions Bating Guides, Cooties, Bating Pans, Dom9tPeek