GE 49-8338 installation instructions Frozen Roask

Models: 49-8338

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Roastingis cookingby dry heat. Tendermeat or poultrycan be roasteduncoveredin youroven. Roastingtemperatures,wl~ichshou~dbe low and

msteady,keep spatteringto a minimum.

The ovenhas a special low shelf (R) position just abovethe oven bottom.Use it when extracookingspaceis needed,for example, whenroastinga large turkey.The shelfis not designedto slideout at thisposition.

Roastingis redly a bakingprocedureused for meats. Roastingis easy;just followthese steps:

1.Positionoven shelf


at (B) positionfor


smallsize roast

(3 to 5 lbs.) and


at (R) positionfor




2. Checkthe weight



of the meat. Place

the meat fat-side-up

or the poultrybrea~t-side-upon the roastingrack in

ashallowpan. The meltingfat will bastethe meat. Selecta pan as closeto the size of meat as possible. (Broilerpan with rack is a goodpan for this.)

Frozen Roask

QFrozenroasts of beef, pork, lamb,etc., can be started withoutthawing,but allow 15 to 25 minutesper poundadditionaltime (15 minutesper poundfor roastsunder5 pounds,more time for largerroasts).

s Thaw most frozenpoultrybeforeroastingto ensure even doneness.Somecommercialfrozenpoultrycan be cookedsuccessfullywithoutthawing.Follow directionsgivenon packagelabel.

Linebroilerpan withaluminumfoil whenusingpan for marinating,cookingwith fruits,cookingheavily curedmeats,or bastingfood duringcooking,Avoid spillingthesematerialsinsidethe ovenor insidethe ovendoor.

3.If your modelhas a separateBAKE/BROILswitch, turn it to BA~. Turnthe OVENCO~OL knob to desiredtemperature.Checkthe RoastingGuide for temperaturesand approximatecookingtimes.

4.Mostmeatscontinueto cookslightlywhile standingafterbeingremovedhorn the oven. Recommendedstandingtimefor roastsis 10to 20 minutes.This allowsroaststo fii up and makes themeasierto carve.Internaltemperaturewill rise about5° to 10°F.If you wish to compensatefor temperaturerise, removethe roast fromthe oven whenits internaltemperatureis 5° to 10°F.less than temperatureshownin the RoastingGuide.

NOTE: Rememberthat food willcontinueto cook in the hot oven and thereforeshouldbe removedwhen the desiredinternaltemperaturehas beenreached.

Thisallowsmorethan one food to be cookedat the sametime. For example:Whileroastinga 20-lb. turkeyon shelfpositionR, a secondshelf(if so equipped)may be addedon positionD so that scallopedpotatoescan be cookedat the sametime. Calculatethe totalcookingtimeto enableboth dishes to completecookingat the sametime. Allow 15-20 minutesof additionalcookingtime for the potatoes.



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GE 49-8338 installation instructions Frozen Roask