GE 49-8338 installation instructions = How To setYour Range For Bating, Ovenshelves

Models: 49-8338

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=How To setYour Range For Bating

1.Toavoid possibleburro, placethe shelvesin the correctpositionbeforeyouturn the ovenon.

2.Closeovendoor.If yourmodelhas a separate BAKE/BROILswitch,turnit to BAKE.Turn OVENCONTROLknobto desiredtemperature.


Arrangethe oven shelfor shelves in the desired locationswhile theovenis cool. Thecorrectshelf positiondepends on thekind of foodand the browningdesired. As a generalrule,

placemost foodsin themiddleof the oven,on either the secondor thirdshelffromthe bottom.See the chartfor suggestedshelfpositions.

3.Checkfoodfor donenessat minimumtime on recipe.Cooklongerif necessary.TurnOVEN CONTROLknobto OFF and r~movefood.

For best bakingresults,followthese suggestions:

~peof Food

I Shelf Position


Angelfood cake



Biscuitsor muffins

I BorC


Cooties or cupcakes

I BorC



I Bor C



I BorC


I Bundtor poundcakes

I AorB


Pies or pie shells

I BorC



I A (on cookiesheet) I


Bor C



I AorB



Preheatthe ovenif the recipecalls for it. Preheat meansbringingthe ovenup to the specified temperaturebeforeputtingin the food. Topreheat,set theovenat the correcttemperature-selecting a highertemperaturedoesnot shortenpreheattime.

Preheatingis necessaryfor goodresultswhenbaking cakes,cookies,pastry and breads.For mostcasseroles androasts,preheatingis not necessary.For ovens withouta preheatindicatorlightor tone,preheat 10 minutes.After the oven is preheatedplacethe food in the oven as quicklyas possibleto preventheat fromescaping.

For even cookingand properbrowning,theremust be enoughroom for air circulationin the oven.Baking resultswill be betterif bting pans are centeredas muchas possiblerather than beingplacedto the front or to the back of the oven.

Pans shouldnot toucheach otheror the walls of the oven.Allow 1 to 1%inch spacebetweenpans as well as from the back of the oven,the door and the sides. If youuse two shelves,staggerthe pans so one is not directlyabovethe other.






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GE 49-8338 installation instructions = How To setYour Range For Bating, Ovenshelves