GE 49-8338 installation instructions Qwaii~ ofFlames

Models: 49-8338

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r .( PilotFlame


4.Turn the OVEN CONTROLknob to a setting above 2000E The pilotflame wi~increase in size and impingeon the temperature-responseelement The oven burner willlight in 30-90seconds.

The ovenburner willoperateunti the set temperatureis reached.The ovenburner will continueto cycleon andoffas necessaryto maintainthe ovenat the temperatureindicated bythe OVENCONTROLknob.

Operation of all cooktop and oven burners should be checked after the pilots have been lighted (on some models) and range and gas supplylines have been careftdlychecked for leaks.

Stifig Pilot Models

Selectatop burner knob and simultaneouslypush in and turn to HI position.The burner should light within a few seconds. Try each burner in succession until all burners have been checked.

Electic I@ition Mode#s

Select atop burner knob and simultaneously push in and turn to LITEposition. Youwillhear a snapping sound indicating proper operation of the spark module. Once the air has been purged born the supplylines, burners should light within 4 seconds. Afterburner lights, rotate knob out of the L~E position. Try each burner in succession until all burners have been checked.

Qwaii~ ofFlames

The combustionquatityofburnerflamesneeds to be determinedvisually.

E burner flameslooklike (A),callfor service. Normalburnerflamesshouldlooklike @) or (C),dependingonthe typeofgas youuse.

WithLPgas,someyellowtippingon outer conesis normal.

(A)YeMowflmes- Callforservice

(B) YeMowtips on


Normalfor LPgas

(C) Sofiblue flmes-



Yourovenis designedto operatequietlyand automaticallyTooperatethe oven,turnthe OVEN CONTROLknobto a settingabove200°E After 30-90seconds,the ovenburner willigniteand burn untilthe set temperatureis reached.The ovenburner willcontinueto cycleon and offas necessarytomainti the ovenat thetemperature indicatedbythe OVENCONTROLknob.

Electic i~tion modelsrequireelectrical

powerto operate.The ovencannotbe lit duringa poweroutage.Gaswillnotflowunlessthe glow

bar is hot.

E the ovenis in use whena poweroutageoccurs, the burner willshut offand cannotbe re-lituntil poweris restored.



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GE 49-8338 installation instructions Qwaii~ ofFlames