GE 49-8338 installation instructions Stinding Blot Models, Suflaee Burner controls

Models: 49-8338

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Yoursurfaceburnersare lightedby electricignition, eliminatingthe needfor standingpilot lightswith constantlyburningflames.

In case of a power failure, you can lightthe surface burnerson yourrange with a match.Hold a lighted matchto the burner,then turn the knob to the LITE position.Useextreme cautionwhen E@tingburners this way.

Surfaceburnersin use whenan electricalpower failureoccurswill continueto operatenormally.

Theelectrodeof thesparkigniteris exposed. Whenoneburneris turnedto LITE,alltheburners spark.Do notattemptto disassembleor clean aroundanyburnerwhileanotherburneris on. Anelectricshockmayresult,whichcouldcause youto knockoverhotcookware.

Stinding Blot Models

The surfaceburnerson tiese rangeshave standing pilotsthatmustbe lit initially.To light them:

1.Be suresurfaceburnercontrolknobs are in the OFFposition.

2.Removethe grates andlift the cooktopup (see the Lift-UpCooktopsection).

3.Locatethe two pilot ports and lighteach of them with a match.

NOTE:If the pilotis too high or low,you can adjustit. See the Adjustthe SurfaceBurnerPilots If Necessarysectionof the InstallationInstructions.

4.Lowerthe cooktop.Yoursurfaceburnersare now readyfor use.

5.Observelightedburners.Comparethe fhirnes to picturesin the ProblemSolver.If any flame is unsatisfactory,call for service.

Suflaee Burner controls

Webs that turn the surfaceburnerson and off are markedas to whichburnersthey control.The two knobson the left controlthe left front and left rear burners.The two knobson the right controlthe right front and rightrear burners.

On ranges with sealed burners:

IDThe smallerburner(rightrear position)will give the best simmerresults.

~The right frontburneris higherpoweredthan the, othersand willbringliquidsto a boil quicker (naturalgas installationsonly).


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GE 49-8338 installation instructions Stinding Blot Models, Suflaee Burner controls