GE 49-8338 installation instructions Porcelain ovenInterior, To Remove the

Models: 49-8338

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The oven door is removable but it is heavy. You may need help removing and replacing the door.


~00~, open it a few inches to the special stop position that will hold the door open. Grasp firmly on each side and lift the door straight up and off the hinges.

NOTE: Be carefil not

to place hands between the hinge and the oven door frame as the hinge could snap back and pinch fingers.


sure the hinges are in the special stop position. Position the-slots in the bo~tomof tie door squarely

overthe hinges.Then lowerthe door slowly~d - evenlyoverboth hingesat the same time.If hinges

snap back against th{ oven frame, pull them bat-k out.

TO CLEAN THE DOOR: (Donot immersedoor in water.)

Inside of door:

oAllowto coolbeforecleaning.For light soil,wipe frequentlywith mild soapand water(especiallyafter cookingmeat).Thjs willprolongthe time between majorcleaning.Rinsethoroughly.NOTE: Soap left on the oven door causes additional stains when the oven is reheated.

For heavysoil,choosean ovencleaner(for ContinuousCleaningoven,beforeapplying commercialoven cleaner,removethe oven door) andfollowlabelinstructions.Rinsewell.

Outside of door:

s Use soap and waterto thoroughlycleanthe top, sidesand frontof the ovendoor.Rinsewell. You may also use a glasscleanerto cleanthe glasson the outsideof the door.

e Spillageof marinades,fruitjuices, tomatosauces and bastingmaterialscontainingacidsmay cause discolorationand shouldbe wipedup immediately. When surfaceis cool,cleanand rinse.

eDo not use ovencleaners,cleansingpowdersor harsh abrasiveson the outsideof the door.

Porcelain ovenInterior

(on all models except Continuous-Cleaning Models)

With proper care, the porcelain enamel interior will retain its attractive finish for many years.

Soap and water will normally do the job. Heavy spattering or spillovers may require cleaning with a mild abrasive cleanser. Soapy, wet pads may also be used. Do not allow food spills with a high sugar or acid content (such as milk, tomatoes, sauertiaut, fruit juices or pie filling) to remain on the surface. They may cause dull spots even after cleaning.

Household ammonia may make the cleaning job easier. Place 1/2 cup ammonia in a shallow glass pan and leave in a cold oven overnight. The ammonia fumes will help loosen the burned-on grease and food.

Whennecessary,you may use a commercialoven cleaner.FO11OWthe packagedirections.

Cautions about using spray-on oven cleaners:

Be carefulwherethe oven cleaneris sprayed,

SIDo not sprayoven cleaneron the electricalcontrols and switches(on somemodels)becauseit could causea shortcircuitand result in sparkingor f~e.

eDonot allowa film from the cleanerto remainon

the temperaturesensingbulb—itcouldcausethe ovento heat improperly.(The bulb is locatedat the rear of the oven.)Carefullywipe the bulb clean after each oven cleaning,beingcarefulnot to move the bulb as a changein its positioncouldafiect how the ovenbakes.

~Do not spray any ovencleaneron the outsideoven door,handlesor any exteriorsurfaceof the oven, woodor paintedsurfaces.The cleanercan damage these surfaces.



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GE 49-8338 installation instructions Porcelain ovenInterior, To Remove the