GE 49-8338 installation instructions Broiler Pan and Rack, Cooktop Suflace, OvenBottom

Models: 49-8338

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Broiler Pan and Rack

Afterbroiling,removethebroiler pan and rack from the oven. Removethe rack from the pan. Carefullypour out the greasein D the pan into a propercontainer.

If foodhas burnedon, sprinkle therack with detergentwhilehot

andcover with we~Dat)ertowelsor a dishcloth.That

~-w-avburned.-onfoods‘willsoakloose whilethe meal


-“~is ij~ingserved.Wash;scourif necessary.Rinse and

–+ dr>~The. broiierpan and rack may also be cleanedin a :j?<l!w~~ll~lo‘“-L----”-’=Do not store a soiledbroilerpan and rack

‘-” anywherein the range.

Cooktop Suflace

To avoiddamagingthe porcelainenamelsurfaceof the cooktopand to preventit from becomingdull, cleanup spillsright away.Foodswith a lot of acid (tomatoes,sauerkraut,fruitjuices, etc,) or foodswith high sugarcontentcouldcausea dull spotif allowed to set.

Whenthe surfacehas cooled,wash andrinse.For otherspillssuch as fat smatterings,etc., wash with soapand wateroncethe surfacehas cooled.Then rinse and polishwith a dry cloth.

Donot store flammablema@fids in an ovenor near the cwhp. Donotstoreorusecombustible materials,gasolineor otherflammablevaporsand liquidsin the vicinityof thisor anyotherappliance.


The oven bottom has a porcelain enamel fitish. Tomake cleaningeasier,protectthe ovenbottom fromexcessivespilloversby placinga cookiesheet on the shelfbelowthe shelfyou are cookingon. You can use aluminumfoil if you do not coverthe whole shelf.This is particularlyimportantwhenbakinga fruitpie or otherfoodswith a high acidcontent.Hot fruitfillingsor otherfoodsthat are highlyacidic (suchas milk, tomatoesor sauerkraut,and sauces withvinegaror lemonjuice) may causepittingand damageto the porcelainenmel surfaceand should be wipedup immediately.Takecare not to touchhot portionof oven.

If a spilloverdoesoccuron the ovenbottom,allow the oven to coolfirst. Youcan then cleanthe oven bottomwith soap and water,an abrasivecleanseror scouringpads.


Shelvescanbe cleanedby handusingsoapandwateror withan abrasivecleanser. After cleaning,rinse the shelveswith cleanwater and dry.To removeheavy, burned-onsoil,you may use scouringpads. After scrubbing,wash with soapy water,rinse and dry.



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GE 49-8338 installation instructions Broiler Pan and Rack, Cooktop Suflace, OvenBottom