GE 49-8338 installation instructions Use ofAldnum Fofl

Models: 49-8338

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Broilingis cookingfoodby directheat from abovethe food.Yourrangehaseithera broilerin theovenor a compartmentbelowtheovenfor broiling.A specially designedbroilerpan andrackallowsdrippingfat to drainawayfromthefoodsandbe keptawayfromthe highheatof thegasflame.

Both the oven and broiler compartment doors (on some models)should be closedduring broiling.

Dependingon whetheryourrangeis equippedwith a separatebroilerdraweror is equippedfor in-oven - broiling,you can changethe distanceof the food from theheat sourceby positioningthe broilerpan and rack on one of the ovenshelvesor one of the three shelf positionsin the broilercompartment-A (bottomof broilercompartment),B (middle)and C (top).

1.Reheating the broileror ovenis not necessaryand can producepoorresults.

2.If meathas fat or gristlenearthe edge,cut vertical slashesthroughit about2 inchesapart,but don’t cut into meat.Werecommendthat you trim fat to preventexcessivesmoking,leavinga layer about 1/8inch thick.

use ofAldnum Fofl

Youcanusealuminumfoilto/J1,, he yourbroilerpan and broilerrack.However,you

mustmold the foil tightlyto the rack md cut slitsin itjust likethe rack.

W’ithoutthe slits,the foil willpreventfat and meat juicesfrom drainingto the broilerpan. Thejuices couldbecomehot enoughto catchon fire. If you do not cut the slits,you are frying,not broiling.

Questions & Answers

Q. When broiling, is it necessary to aiways use a rack in the pan?

A. Yes.Usingthe rack suspendsthe meat over the pan. As the meatcooks,thejuices fall into the pan, thuskeepingmeat drier.Juicesare protectedby the rack and stay cooler,thusp~eventingexcessive spatterand smoking.

-Q. Why are my meats not turning out as brown as

.- A. Checkto see if you are usingthe recommended shelfposition.Broilfor longestperiodof time

. indicatedin the BroilingGuide.Turnfood only onceduringbroiling.

3.Arrangefood on rack and positionthe broilerpan on the appropriateshelfin the ovenor broiling compartment.Placingfoodcloserto flame increasesexteriorbrowningof food,but also increasesspatteringand the possibilityof fats and meatjuices igniting.

4.Closethe ovenor broilerdoor.

5.Turn OVENCONTROLknoband BAKE/BROIL switch(on modelsso equipped)to BROIL.

6.Turnmostfoodsonceduringcooking(the exceptionis thin filletsof fish; oil one side,place that sidedownon broilerrack and cook without turninguntildone).Timefoodsfor aboutone-half the totalcookingtime,turn food,then continueto cookto preferreddoneness.

7.TurnOVENCONTROLknobto OFF.Remove broilerpan horn oven and servefood immediately. Leavepan outsidethe oven to cool.

Broiling Tips

1.Alwaysuse broilerpan and rack thatcomeswith youroven.It is designedto minimizesmokingand spatteringby trappingjuices in the shieldedlower part of the pan.

2.For steaksand chops,slashfat evenlyaround outsideedgesof meat. To slash,cut crosswise throughouterfat surfacejust to the edge of the meat.Use tongsto turn meatover to prevent piercingmeat and losingjuices.

Q. Should I salt the meat before broiting?

A.No. Salt drawsout thejuices and allowsthem to evaporate.Alwayssalt after tooting. firn meat with tongs;piercingmeat with a fork also allows juices to escape.Whenbroilingpoultryor fish, brush each sideoften with butter.



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GE 49-8338 installation instructions Use ofAldnum Fofl