GE 49-8338 installation instructions $llBeThere

Models: 49-8338

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Ti7iththe purchase of your new GE appliance, receive the assurance fiat if you ever need information or assistance from GE, we’llbe there. All you have to do is cdl—toll-free!

WhateveryourquestionaboutanyGE majorappliance,GEAnswerCente# informationserviceis availableto help.Yourcall-and yourquestion— willbe answeredpromptlyand courteouslyAnd you can callany time.GEAnswerCente# serviceis open 24 hoursa day 7 daysa week.

AGE CansumerServiceprofessional


scheduledata timethat’sconvenient for you.Many GE ConsumerService company+peratedlocationsofferyou servicetodayor tomorrow,or atyour convenience(700 700 p.m. weekda~ 2:00p.m.Satur- days).Our factory-trainedtechnicians knowyour applianceinsideandout— so mostrepairscanbe handledinjust one visit.

Youcanhavetie securefeelingthat



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User maintenance titructions contained in tis booldet cover proce- dmes ktended to be performed by any user. Otier servictig generdy shodd be referred to qutified ser- vice personnel. Caution mwt be exercised, sbce improper servicing may came msafe operation.


Upon request,GEwillprovideBradle controlsfor a varietyof GEappliances, and a brochureto assistin planninga barrier-fi-eekitchenfor personswith ltiited rnobili~.Toobtaintheseitems

freeof charge,call800.626.2000.

Consumelxwithimpairedhearing or speechwho haveaccessto a TDD

or a conventionalteletypewritermay

Cd] 800-TDD-GEAC(800-833.4322)

to requestinformationor service.


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GE 49-8338 installation instructions $llBeThere