GE 49-8338 installation instructions ~mAm Cleamg

Models: 49-8338

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CAUTION:Before replacing your oven bulb,

disconnectelectrical power to the range at the @ main fuse or circuit breaker panel. Be sure to let

the lamp cover and bulb coolcompletely.

The ovenlamp (bulb)is coveredwith a removable glasscoverthatis held in placewith a bail-shaped wire. Removeovendoor,if desired,to reach cover easily.

To remove:

1.Holdhandundercoverso it doesn’tfall when released.Withfingersof samehand,firmlypush back wirebail untilit clearscover.Lifi off cover.


2.Do not touchhot bulb with a wet cloth.Replace bulb with a 40-watthouseholdappliancebulb.

To replace cover:

1.Placeit intogrooveof lampreceptacle.Pull wire bail forwardto centerof coveruntilit snapsinto place.Whenin place,wire holdscoverfirmly.Be certainwirebail is in depressionin centerof cover.

2.Connectelectricalpowerto the range.

~ontrol Panel andKnobs

It’s a goodidea to wipethe controlpanelafter each use of the oven.Cleanwith mild soap and wateror vinegarand water,rinse with cleanwater andpolish dry with a soft cloth.

Do not use abrasivecleansers,strongliquidcleaners, ‘plasticscouringpads or oven cleanerson the control panel-they will damagethe finish.A 50/50solution of vinegarand hot water workswell.

The controlknobsmay be removedfor easier cleaning.Toremoveknob,pull it straightoff the stem. If knobis difficultto remove,place a towel or dishclothbetweenthe knob and controlpanel and pull gently.Washthe knobsin soap and water or a vinegarand hot water solutionbut do not soak.

To cleanoutsideglassfinish,use a glass cleaner.Do not allowthe wateror cleanerto run down inside openingsin the glass whilecleaning.

Metalparts can be cleanedwith soap and water.Do not use steelwool, abrasives,ammonia,acidsor commercialovencleaners.Dry with a soft cloth.


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GE 49-8338 installation instructions ~mAm Cleamg