GE 49-8338 installation instructions To setthe clock, To Change or Cancel the Timer Setting

Models: 49-8338

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=Followthe directions belowif your range has the clockand timer shown at the right.

ame electronicrangeclockand timerallowyou to set the timerup to 9 hoursand 45 minutes.Youhavethe choiceof havingthe timer showthe timecounting downor the timeof day.In eithercase, the timerwill signalat the end of the timerperiodto alertyou that the timeis up.




To setthe clock

NOTE: Whenyou first plug in the rangeor after

apowerfailure,the entireClock/Timerdisplaywill fightup. After severalseconds“12:00”will then flash on the display.

1. Press the CLOCKpad. “12:00”stopsflashing

and “SETME’ flasheson the display.

. .

2.Press andhold the UP or DOWNpad and the time of day willchange10minutesat a time. To change the timeby singleminutes,givethe pads shorttaps.


For exmple, to set the clockfor 3:15,press and


holdthe UP pad until “3:10”appears,and thentap


the UP pad until“3:15”is displayed.


3. Press the CLOCKpad and the clock willbe set. If


you do notpress the CLOCKpad, the clockwill


automaticallybe set withinone minute.

To setthe Ther

1.Pressthe TIMERpad. “:00”appearson the display and “SETTIMER’flashes.

2.Use the UP and DOWNpads to set the timer. Shorttapson theUP or DOWNpad changethe timer’ssettingoneminuteat a time.Pressingand continuingto holdthe UP pad increasesthe setting five minu~esat a timeunti~onehour (“1:00”)is - displayed.Afteronehouris displayed,pressing and holdingthe UP pad increasesthe setting 15minutesat a time. (Shorttaps on the UP and DOWNpads will alwayschangethe settingby l-minuteincrements.)The timercan be set for a maximumof 9 hoursand 45 minutes.

3.To startthe timer,pressthe TIMERpad.

If the TIMERpad is not pressed,the timerwill automaticallystartaftera few seconds.

As the timercountsdown,a singlebeep will indicatewhen oneminute”is lefi~After-thisbeep, the displaywill countdownin seconds.When the timerreaches“:00~’you will hear three sets of three shortbeeps,and then a singlebeep every 10 seconds for 10minutesor untilyou press any of the Clock/Timerpads.

To Change or Cancel the Timer Setting

Whenthe timeris countingdown,use the UP and DOWNpad to change theremainingtime,or press theTIMER pad to cancelthe timerfunction. Thetimerfinction cannotbe cancelleduntil “SETTIMER”stopsflashing and “TIMER”appearson the display.

To Display the Time of Day While the Timer Is Operating

Pressingthe CLOCKpad whilethe timeris operatingwill not interfere withthe timer’soperation;the displaywill changeto showthe timeof day, butthe timerwill continueto countdown and will still signalwhentime is up. Simplypress the TMER pad againto changethe displaybackto showthe timerfunction.


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GE 49-8338 installation instructions To setthe clock, To Change or Cancel the Timer Setting