GE 49-8338 installation instructions To Cilange or cancel the Timer setting, To Set the Timer

Models: 49-8338

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F{)llowthe directions belowif your range has the clock and timer shown at the right.

~Ie rangeclock and timerallowyou 10set the timer up 1024 hours. Yotihavetie choiceof having the tin]crshotv the time countingdownor the time of day. 111cilhcr C:ISCtic. timer\villsignalat the cnc.ofi lhe

[il))cr~lcri(l(l [t>:~icr(yoti [h:t[ Ihc time is ~Ip.

T{) settile clock

NTO”i-E:Whenyou first plug in [herange or tiler a lIt)i~”c*rRlil[lre.IhcentireClwkflimer (Iispl;iyl~~iil ligi]tLip.Af[cr s~~~rillSCCOIILIS“SET CLOCK”” apl~~.:trsin (1ICdisplfiy.

1.Press (hcCLOCK pad.

2.Press i}ndhold {heUP or DOWNpad and {hethe of tiay willchange 10 minutesat a time. To change (hc [imc by single minutes,give the pads short taps.

=3. Prc:;sIhcCLOCKpad to start the clock.

To Cilange or cancel the Timer setting

When [hc timer is coun[ingdown, use the UP and DOWN pflci(o CllilIlgetheremainingtime, or press tic TIMER Pild10stop (hetimer.The timer cannot

kCane-cllcdLint1•*SETTIhlE” disappearsfrom lhc (iispln)”.


(Appearancemay vary)

To Set the Timer

1.Press theTWR pad.

2.Use the UP and DOWN pads 10set (he [imcr. Short taps on the UP or DOWN pad change ;hc timer’ssettingone minute at a time. Pressing and continuingto hold the WPpad increasesthe selling ten minutesat a time.The timer can be set for a maximumof 24 hours.

3, Press theMR pad to start the timer.

As the timercountsdown, two beeps will indicate when oneminuteis left. After these beeps, the displaywillcomt down ti time nms

out, a signalwill sound. Ress the T- pad to stop the signal.

To Display tl~e Clock While tl~eTimer Is Operating


Pressing Ihc CLOCKpad while the timer is operating wi]1II()[intcrfcrcwith lhc timer’soperation:Ihe display will cl~ange[o show :hc clock, bl]tthe timer \villCOIIIinllc10ct)llntdown and will still signal when li~ncis up. Press [hcTI~R pad again to change the

displ;iyback [o show !hetimer.



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GE 49-8338 To Cilange or cancel the Timer setting, To Set the Timer, To Display tl~e Clock While tl~eTimer Is Operating