31.0 Appendix A: FAQ


Mixbus won't open files from a certain directory, but it works from other directories. What is the problem? Mixbus is designed to be a cross-platform app that works with files stored in Unix, OSX, and Windows/DOS-format- ted drives. You may be using a folder with punctuation or other characters that are not recognized by Mixbus. As a rule-of-thumb, it is best to avoid using any punctuation in file names because different file systems interpret punctua- tion in different ways. "_" (underscore) and "-" (dash) are pretty safe, but everything else (including spaces), is a bad idea if you want your data to be safe for a long time and across many different computers. For example, save a file with a "." at the front, and you'll find that the Finder will no longer show it, because this is the unix convention for a "hidden" file.

Mixbus occasionally reports "Your disk was not fast enough for Mixbus"

This can be caused by a slow hard drive (such as using the system hard drive for more than 8-10 contiguous chan- nels) or occasionally a near-full hard drive. If you are able to play tracks in other workstations, but not Mixbus, you can try this: (not for beginners!) using a text editor or the Terminal, edit the file ~/.ardour2/ardour.rc. Find the line:

<Option name="track-buffer-seconds" value="5"/>

and change the number 5 to a 10 or other higher number.

This will reduce the load on the hard drive, but will make locates take somewhat longer. You can experiment to find the best balance between number of channels, and the responsiveness of the system. If you somehow corrupt this file so that Mixbus does not work well, just delete the file and Mixbus will create a new one for you.

Mixbus just bounces in the dock when I try to launch it (OSX)

If you are on 10.4, you MUST be updated to the LATEST 10.4.11. Even if your system information says 10.4.11, you should click the Apple icon and do a system update, including all security updates. This is the only known startup bug on 10.4. If you are fully updated on 10.4.11 and you are still having problems, please collect the information below:

Mixbus does not start or crashes, what information should I send?

All Platforms

Please send your system information (CPU type, OS version, JACK version, soundcard I/O) to: mixbus@harrisonconsoles.com


Close Mixbus, Open the Console (Applications->Utilities->Console.app) and click “Clear Display”, then reopen Mixbus. Do the action that causes a problem and then copy the output of the Console and mail it to: mixbus@harrisonconsoles.com

If Mixbus crashes, please choose "Show Crash Report", copy/paste the contents into an email, and mail to: mixbus@harrisonconsoles.com

If you have a question about a graphical element, it may help to take a screenshot and send it to us. To cap- ture the entire desktop, press Command-Shift-3. The screen shot will be automatically saved as a .png file on your desktop.


If you have a question about a graphical element, it may help to take a screenshot and send it to us. On most modern distributions, you can capture the desktop by pressing Print Screen.

Section 31.0 - Appendix A: FAQ


Mixbus User Guide

Page 80
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Harrison Labs V2.0.2 manual Mixbus just bounces in the dock when I try to launch it OSX, All Platforms, Linux