26.0 Mixbus Options

making a long-form recording. The user can examine the xruns after the fact and try to fix and/or hide them.

Stop Transport at Session End

If this option is ON then the transport will automatically stop when it hits the session End marker. Note that this does not affect recording. When recording the End marker will be pushed farther out.

-12dB gain reduce during ffwd/rewd

If this option is ON then Mixbus will reduce the master output level during varispeed playback that is more than 2x speed in forward or backwards direction.

Primary/Secondary Clock Delta to Edit Cursor

Selecting this option will make the Primary/Secondary clock show the Delta (difference / distance) between the edit cursors (see "implicit ranges”).

Always Copy Imported Files

If this is selected then a drag/drop operation will always result in the file being imported (with any needed SRC or bit- depth change). If this is off then drag/drop files will be used in-place.

Link Region/Track Selection

If enabled selecting a region will also select the track where the region is located. However, this will disable any other tracks that were selected for editing.

Name New Markers

By default markers are created with a number and may be renamed manually later. If enabled new markers will be immediately prompted for a new name.

Rubberbanding Snaps to Grid

Rubberband-selecting will auto-snap to the nearest grid.

Auto-Analyze New Audio

If this is checked any imported or recorded audio will be analyzed so that the region can be navigated using jump-to- transient operations. If this is not checked then the user will be prompted to analyze a file whenever jump-to-tran-

sient is used.

Section 26.0 - Mixbus Options


Mixbus User Guide

Page 55
Image 55
Harrison Labs V2.0.2 manual Stop Transport at Session End, 12dB gain reduce during ffwd/rewd, Always Copy Imported Files