20.0 Tempo, Click, & Grid
The settings for the Grid menu are:
•No Grid: No grid is applied.
•Grid: the grid is applied; any mouse move in the editing canvas will "jump" between grid locations. Operations at the Edit Point will be snapped to the nearest grid point.
•Magnetic: When the Edit point is very near a grid location, it will snap to the location. But
Grid Modes
The edit point may snap to:
•clock time (CD frames, SMPTE, Seconds, Minutes)
•Musical Time (Bars, Beats)
•Region events (start, stop, etc)
Note: Regions have a "Sync point" which defines how they will
snap to the grid. For example: a region might have audio preceding the first note, but the first note defines the point that should by synchronized to the grid. The "sync position" can be changed with
%Note: To use Region starts/ends/syncs/bounds as snap choices, you must have either (a) NO tracks selected, which means that Mixbus will snap to regions on any track, or (b) several tracks selected, and Mixbus will only
snap to regions on those selected tracks. If you are moving items on a track, and only the current track is selected, then you will only be able to snap to other regions on the same track. This means that the Option "Sync Track Selection to Region Selection" will make the "Region" grid units unusable. Avoid the use of this option if you are going to use any of the Region grid units.
Section 20.0 - Tempo, Click, & Grid | 43 | Mixbus User Guide |