Utilities 2-17
Why would I want to turn off my processor serial number?
Intel believes the processor serial number can provide compelling benefits to
users. They are developing features in conjunction with the processor serial
number to allow responsible service providers to provide services which
maintain your privacy. However, if you are concerned that a given
applicatio n/ service us ing your pro cessor number might impact your privacy, you
can turn off the processor serial number using the utility.
What is the default state of the processor serial number?
The default state of the processor serial number is on, until the Processo r Serial
Number Cont ro l utility is in stalled. Once t he Processo r Serial Number C o ntrol
utility is ins t alled, it t u rns the proce s s o r serial numbe r off by defau lt. You can
use the utility to turn on the pr ocessor serial number.
Can a website read my serial number without my knowledge?
No, genera lly not. Webs ites cannot read seria l nu mbers unle s s you allow t hem
to download a program which can read the processor serial number. Almost all
browsers are configured to warn users whenever they download executable
software. Unless you disable the warning in the browser, you should receive a
Does Intel track serial numbers?
Generally not, other than related to the manufacturing process. Intel does not, in
the absences of advance and express consent of a user, collect serial number
data which is otherwise identified with a user.
Which programs and/or websites currently use the processor serial
You can find a complete list of programs which can take advantage of the
processor serial number and other new capabilities of the Pentium III processor
at http://www.int el.com/pen tiumiii/utilit y.htm.
How can I tell if my processor serial number is turned on?
The vast majority of Pentium III processor-based systems ship with the
processor serial number enabled. The control utility allows you to check the
status by:
Viewing the icon itself. The disabled icon shows a red circle with a
white “x.”
Clicking the task tray icon and selecting the “Status” menu item. Or you
can select the menu from the tool tip shown when you position the mouse
over the task tray icon.