A type of message transmission in which a message is sent or received via modem to a paging device from a computer (with paging communications software) or telephone.
parallel interface
Interface that communicates eight bits at a time.
parallel printer
A printer with a parallel interface.
A characteristic of a device or system determined by a command or setting whose purpose is to define or limit the characteristic.
A string of characters that the user must enter before the system allows access or system privileges.
Peripheral Component Interface/Interconnect. A
Input or output device not under direct computer control. A printer is a peripheral device.
Picture elements. Tiny dots that make up a screen image. A pixel is the smallest spot on the screen that a computer can address.
plug and play
Refers to the ability of a computer system to automatically configure expansion boards and other devices. This enables a user to plug in a device and use it, without worrying about setting DIP switches, jumpers, and other configuration elements.
Any connection by which data can enter or leave a computer or peripheral. Provides the means for an interface between the microprocessor and external devices. A cable connector is usually plugged into the port to attach the device to the computer.