Intermodule Measurements
To test a circuit using stimulus-response
To test a circuit using stimulus-response
1Select the Intermodule menu.
2Select the pattern generator from the Modules list and set it to Group Run. Select the oscilloscope module and set it to respond to the arm signal from the pattern generator. Select the state analyzer and set it to respond to the arm signal from the pattern generator.
3Load the pattern generator with the proper patterns to simulate the signals from the driving hardware.
4Insert the “Signal IMB” instruction at the desired point in the pattern generator program.
The arm signal is programmable. It can occur anywhere in the pattern generator cycle.
5Select the oscilloscope Trigger Menu. Set the oscilloscope to trigger on signals of interest in the circuit under test.
6Select the state analyzer Trigger Menu. Set the analyzer to trigger on addresses, data, or status conditions of interest, and to store any state or states of interest.
7Select Group Run from the upper right corner of the display.
The pattern generator will begin its cycle, and will arm the oscilloscope and state analyzer.
In the early stages of system design and integration, you may want to test a circuit when the driving hardware that will stimulate it has not yet been designed or fabricated. You can also use the pattern generators with the logic analyzer to test PC boards when no
The HP 16522A pattern generator for the HP 16500C avoids the inconvenience of having to stack several signal generators on top of each other, with all of the cable connections required for those signal generators. Additionally, you have a single interface to access all the test modules in your measurement.
See Also | The HP 16522A User’s Reference for the procedures for operating the |
| pattern generator. |