If You Have a Problem
Inverse assembler will not load or run
Check the activity indicators for status lines locked in a high or low state.
Verify that the STAT, DATA, and ADDR format labels have not been modified from their default values.
These labels must remain as they are configured by the configuration file. Do not change the names of these labels or the bit assignments within the labels. Some preprocessors also require other data labels; check your Preprocessor User’s Guide for more information.
Verify that all microprocessor caches and memory managers have been disabled.
In most cases, if the microprocessor caches and memory managers remain enabled you should still get inverse assembly, but it may be incorrect since some of the execution trace was not visible to the logic analyzer.
Verify that storage qualification has not excluded storage of all the needed opcodes and operands.
Inverse assembler will not load or run
You need to ensure that you have the correct system software loaded on your analyzer.
Ensure that the inverse assembler is on the same disk as the configuration files you are loading.
Configuration files for the state analyzer contain a pointer to the location of the corresponding inverse assembler. If you delete the inverse assembler or move it to another location, the configuration process will fail.
Make sure you are using the version of the inverse assembler software that corresponds to the operating system revision installed on your analyzer.
See your Preprocessor User’s Guide for details.