Using the LAN Interface
The LAN Interface of the HP 16500C extends the Logic Analysis System by making it look like a NFS (Network File System) node. Using NFS utilities for the PC or NFS on a UNIX workstation, you can transfer files to and from the HP 16500C as if it were a disk drive attached to your machine. The LAN Interface also creates virtual directories and files for measurement configurations and results, so you can store and retrieve these as though they were ordinary files.
This section shows you how to use the LAN interface do the following:
∙set up the HP 16500C configuration
∙retrieve measurement data from a module in the HP 16500C
∙transfer images of HP 16500C menu and result screens to your host computer
If you have not connected your HP 16500C to the network, installed network software, or learned basic network commands, see the chapter on connecting to your LAN in the HP 16500C/16501A User’s Reference before performing the tasks in this chapter.